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Opera for children
Little Red Riding Hood’s mother sends her daughter to Grandma’s house with some treats. Red takes her time in the forest, singing with a mockingbird and picking strawberries. The wolf appears, assures Red he is not a stranger, and calls her by name. Relieved, Red tells him about her sick Grandma. The wolf feigns interest and compassion. Red begins to tell the wolf about all of the treats she is bringing Grandma, and the wolf’s stomach begins to sour – sweets make him sick. Angered by Red and embarrassed by what she has done to him, he goes to Grandma’s house intent on eating Grandma and having Red for dessert. Arriving at Grandma’s house before Red, he chases the woman around until she locks herself in the closet. He then disguises himself as Grandma, and Red arrives. He grabs Red, but she starts talking about the strawberries she picked in the forest. At the mention of the sweet fruit, the wolf begins to lose his appetite again, and Grandma and Red talk about sweets until the wolf crawls out of the house. A woodsman and Red then chase the wolf down and kill him.
Director: Cvetan Stojanovski
Set designer: Zoran Nikolovski
Costume designer: Marta Trendafilova
Little Red Riding–Hood: Katerina Stojanovska
The Grandmother: Elena Tasevska
The Mother: Polina Taseva
The Wolf: Vasko Zdravkov
A Woodcutter: Slavcho Dimovski, Neven Siljanovski
A Hunter: Zoran Daskalovski, Sasha Smilevski, Dejan Stoev,
Choir: Desanka Gligorijevikj, Ana Rojdeva, Aleksandra Lazarevska, Zlata Toshevska