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Ballet in two acts. Libretto and musical redaction: Victor Yaremenko and A. Baklan. Choreografic fragments by: L. Ivanov, M. Petipa, F. Lapuhov. Often considered the epitome of classical ballets, Swan Lake is a tale of love, betrayal, and the triumph of good over evil.
Conductor: Bisera Chadlovska
Choreographer: Victor Yaremenco (Ukraine)
Principal répétiteur and pedagogue: Prof. Tanja Vujisikj-Todorovska
Set designer: Andrei Zlobin (Ukraine)
Costume designer: Gana Ipatieva (Ukraine)
Répétiteurs: Lora Tarchugovska, Goran Bozhinov, Sasha Evtimova
Concert master: Kliment Todoroski
Light designer: Milcho Aleksandrov
Odette, Odile: Shiori Kase (Japan)
Prince Siegfried: Yonah Acosta (Cuba)
Rothbart: Doychin Dochev (Bulgaria)
Young Siegfried, absorbed in thought and fantasies about the fanciful girl in white. But she is just an illusion. Hoping to meet and fall in love in just as like, he fells a sleep. Suddenly appears a strange man – it’s the evil sorcerer – Rothbart. He finds out about the fantasies of the young man and decides to prove that true love it’s just an invention of the writers, poets and artists. He creates conditions, where there is everything:
Respect, fame and fortune, love, betrayal and remorse…
I scene
“Park at the castle”
The servants of the kingdom dance at the lea. Noticing the young prince, who sleeps in the house, they are surprised: he is dressed uncommonly! Our young hero is awakening. Where is he?! Everything is unknown and strange; everyone is rendering homage to him. Appears the Mentor and also referees to him with a question – what kind of clothes is he wearing? His mother – The Great Queen should appear every moment now! Everything is clear! – our hero is taken for someone else – more exactly for the heir of the crown – Prince Siegfried! After all it seems it’s a dream, but that dream is unexpected and pleasant because to be a Prince is so tempting and interesting! Our hero has changed his clothes. For the first time he sees that woman, she kisses him gently and gives him the family medallion. The merry feast in his honor continues, in honor of the majority of the Prince Siegfried. In the far away kingdoms the invitations are already sent and the brides are already on their way. Tomorrow will be chosen the one and only, the one that will be chosen by the Prince. Gradually it is getting dark. What should he do? Of course – to the lake – to hunt.
II scene
The evil Rothbart exults: everything is going according to his plan. He made up everything: he turned the white swans into women – swans. Among them, the beautiful Odette, to whom Siegfried has to swear to eternal love.
The shore of the lake. They meet, the Prince is overjoyed of the beauty and the gentleness of the woman’s soul. His heart trembles – he is convinced that he found the love of his life.
III scene
At the castle everything is ready for the gala ceremony. The guests are arriving. The list of potential brides is defined. For the Prince Siegfried magically beautiful brides dance from diverse kingdoms. But he can’t make his choice – in his heart lives only Odette and his love for her. Unexpectedly it is announced that an unknown candidate for a bride is arriving. Rothbart prepared another test for the prince: he introduces the black swan – the sister of Odette – Odile. She is enchantingly beautiful and casts a shadow on everyone else, the enchanted from her charm Siegfried, throwing away every doubt, swears to Odile to eternal love. But what is happening with him? After he swears to Odile as if every enchantment disappeared and the Prince felt the cry of Odette and his heart called to see Odette! God! How much is he guilty! Will the loved one be able to forgive his mistake? In the castle originates panic. Rothbart exults again, because he knows that for Siegfried the worst is yet to come.
IV scene
The Lake is agitated, there is a storm! Odette can’t find her place, her soul weeps. Rothbart controls the situation; he waits for Siegfried for the final test. Siegfried appears. He breaks the curse! He betrayed his
love! He destroyed his own ideal! He begs Odette for forgiveness and tries to explain to her that someone else manages with his awareness. He can’t act like that, betraying his own love! In front of them appears the genius of Evil – Rothbart and Siegfried realizes who was that man: the swans and Odette subjugates to Rothbarts witchcraft and Siegfried himself is not able to oppose to that black force. Only the arch can stop this demon!
Siegfried shoots with the arch at Rothbart and, Oh, God! The love is betrayed! The evil is not punished! The loved one is dead! Siegfried is infinitely desperate. For him there isn’t a place in this world, but he will be with Odette even in heaven. He sacrifices himself for love and throws himself after her into the abyss…
The first sun gleams that rises on the horizon… The evil sorcerer is disappointed: after all love exists, if there is self-sacrifice for that sacred filling. He stops the dream. The young man awakes… was that a dream and everything disappeared without a trace??! No! His love and aspiration did not disappear! All that he lived through stays within. And here, as a reward, destiny gives him an inestimable gift.
In front of him appears a woman. She – she is the one, for whom he had dreamed all of his life, she is Odette from the dream. She is the one that he loves and admires!!! They run towards each other, towards their happiness!
They have dreams, they have love! They have each other. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
ll of this the genius of Evil – Rothbart observes. He is strong, but to conquer true love is not in his power.
To destroy him – it is not possible, but it is possible to defeat him!!! Rothbart leaves.